Holiday Crafting

Happy holidays everyone!
We finally got seasonal weather up here in the North Country, and the weather today was positively delightful, so we went out and played in the snow. Missy and Charlie (the dog) had a ton of fun.


Missy and I built this baby snowman. “The snowman” asked us to build his dad, but the snow wasn’t packing well so we will try again soon.


We went on a quest for a sled, which were nearly sold out everywhere. We did find one though, and Missy played with it a little. Tomorrow if the weather is nice we will go to the hill.


We did inside stuff too! I made a big batch of gingerbread, and we went to town with icings and sprinkles.


We made a lot of them. 😉


I also made a gingerbread house! We put tree and man cookies outside on the lawn, too. There’s also a couple pies lurking in my kitchen, and a fruitcake in the oven.


Last but not least, check out these stockings! I made them! I’m really proud of them.

I truly hope you are all safe and happy and warm tonight, and every night. Happy holidays if you are celebrating, and joy to all the world.